Friday, February 5, 2010

the gray area.

people always ask the question, "why does everything have to be black or white ?"

well we live in a world where we strive for clarity. clarity is the most important factor in our lives. yet , we can never TRULY be clear in politics , friendships , relationships , jobs ... let's just face it : when it comes to clarity , human beings suck. even though it is what we long for 99% of the time , we cannot bring ourselves to make a decision until the very last second or until we're given an ultimatum. when we "like" someone on a romantic level and the feeling is mutual , we want to know , what are we doing ? in other words , are we together or not ? most of the time the answer will be what do you mean ? and why does it have to be one or the other ? wtf does that even mean ?

in all actuality there is no REAL gray area. the gray area is messy. it disappears and reappears at your convenience. it's a middle space that is easily occupied. anybody can come and go through that space without putting forth too much effort because we want life to be easy and effortless. we expect matters of the heart to be perfect and when they are not , we flee to the gray area -- where you can have your cake and eat it too. we're greedy. and more importantly , we are unclear.

but at the end of the day. everything is in black or white. you're either in love or you're not. you trust me or you don't. you're either alive or dead. period.

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