it's hot outside and i have been begging for heat and sunshine for the longest but now that it's here, something has come over me. i have been experiencing all of these feelings and internal conflicts this last half of the semester and last night, they subsided. the desire to "release your contract", the desire to walk away, the desire to cry, the desire to rebel, the desire to criticize . . . gone with the rain and wind. yesterday, i felt the sun graze my legs for the first time in a long time and for the first time in a long time, i. felt. you.
because when i think of summer, when i taste summer, when i feel summer . . . i think of you, i taste you (haha), and i feel you. 3 out of the 4 past summers, i have spent with you. heat stroke stroll down wildwood parkway. awkward bus rides (we were so young :) the harbor. celebrating our summer birthdays. surprise boat rides. countless amusement parks. butterflies of our first time and butterflies on roller coasters. obnoxious car rides. ritas. bi-monthly visits to outback (lol). his and her cargo shorts. greasy fast food. fast fights. tattoos. love.
i am finally realizing that the grass is NEVER greener on the other side; it's just shadier.
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